A downloadable game for Windows

Un savant fou a perdu le contrôle de son laboratoire suite à l’évasion de ses animaux cybernétiques. Il va devoir les contrôler et se frayer un chemin vers la salle de contrôle pour empêcher ses créations de saccager tout le laboratoire !

Projet réalisé par une équipe de 5 étudiants pendant 3 mois.

A mad scientist lost the control of his laboratory after the escape of his cybernetic animals. He will have to control them and make his way to the control room to prevent his creations from ransacking the entire laboratory!

The project has been made by a team of 5 students during 3 months.

Infamy's Lab has been made by :

Antoine Cuviliez - Game Design & Level Design & Game Art

Antoine Nisoli - Game Design & Programmer

Raphael Stella - Game Design & Programmer

Léa Lenain - Concept Art

Thibault Chergui - Level Design & FX Artist


Infamy_s_Lab.zip 276 MB

Install instructions

Double cliquer sur l'archive pour l'ouvrir, dézipper le contenu dans un dossier puis lancer l'executable.

Unzip the archive, extract it in a folder and double clic on the executable file to launch the game.


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Love the Artstyle! Thumbs up!

Deleted 279 days ago

Hello ! Of course !
You can contact us at : poivronruj@gmail.com

Does this game support keyboard controls? I can seem to move around and jump (space bar), but can't seem to find which key (if any) corresponds to the action button to perform actions such as using a lever, in the tutorial level.

I'm sorry, but you really need a controller if you want to play this game :/